Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Grand Experiment of Gardening -A Brief Introduction

Garden with adjoining chicken coup at pre-plant stage.

I probably should have started this blog months ago.. Isn't that how most things go though? So why not start now? The impetus of this blog is a current project I have recently embarked on: to build, plant, and sustain myself from a garden (including egg laying chickens, and I will hopefully be getting bees sometime soon) over the course of June to October or November. As I'm still in the pre-experiment point of this project its still a great time to start posting.

A Subsidized Garden

The garden will be subsidized with rice and homemade bread. I am also toying with the idea of trading produce from the garden for things that I am unable to grow, like limes and other fruit. (though I do have two apple trees) This blog will probably be pretty organic (pun intended) that is another way of saying non linear and haphazard topic wise. But that's what my garden project has already started to evolve into. So its fitting. Likewise the blog will most likely extend out in to other aspects of life as well, like kids, art etc but that's cool too cause they are such huge things in my life, and will probably relate on a tangential basis.

Garden Feedback Appreciated

I would love to hear from you the reader with any questions, comments, ideas ect. though the greatest would be to have you come over and check out the garden space and have some fresh produce to boot. As this project kicks off in less then then a week the question that may be on many of your minds is "Is there anything to eat?!" I'm happy to say that yes there is plenty. The beginnings will be filled with mostly greens over rice with an egg over easy, but that's not a bad option at all. In fact I may start with that dish early.

Caveat: If at any time I find that the garden project is unsustainable I have no qualms about ending it. My health, and especially the health of Emma and Phin is of utmost importance. I have a feeling though that we will be eating better then ever before. Also this is not a renouncement of meat in anyway! Maybe in the future I'll introduce rabbits or something. It is more an experiment on eating fresher tastier food, getting closer to where it comes from, get creative in the kitchen, push myself to learn new things, and have a great time doing it with my kids.

Instagram: @provoarts
Twitter: @provoarts

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